Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Perception of Colors

This post is going to be more of a rant than an informational essay. I'm going to talk about the perception of colors and why it boggles my mind, and I'm also going to give some demonstrations (AKA pictures) to reinforce my point. I'm done talking about what I'm going to talk about, so let's get on with it, shall we?

What is Perception?
The definition of perception is "the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through senses". However, the definition I'd like to focus on is "a way of regarding, understanding, or interpreting something; a mental impression". This definition talks about what I want to talk about today.

The Perception of Colors
See that picture below here? To me, that picture is representing the color green, but in your case, it might be representing the color bluered, or maybe you see green too. That's called the perception of colors. You know how sometimes you and your peers argue about the color of something? Like, "That's red!", to which they respond, "No! That's pink!". That's because their pink is your red, and your red is their pink. Isn't that crazy!

The Perception of Illusions
The same can also go for illusions. The picture below here shows and elephant, but how many legs does it have? You may have seen this before, as it's one of the most famous illusions ever made. For some people, they might say the elephant has five legs. Some would even say three. For others, they might stick to what they know is right and say four. Well, you might be surprised to know that they're all right, to you, however, but not for others. Again, that's perception. Mind boggling, huh?

The Perception of Yourself
You might see yourself differently than others see you. Did you know that you see yourself up to five times prettier than you actually are? That's called self perception. That kitten below here sees himself as a mighty lion, but you see him as a kitten. It's the same concept.

The bottom line is that perception is really, really cool. I could spend all day thinking about it.


  1. This is a nice blog, I've always wondered why and how illusion happens. And I count 8 legs:D

  2. Wow! This is really cool. Do you think that Van Gogh had a different perception of colors than we do today?

  3. I've wondered about the perception of colors, as well. Explaining what you're trying to explain when you're explaining the perception of colors is frustrating as heck, though. I've tried to explain to my little brother before what you're talking about in this blog, and he thinks that the perception of colors is something that doesn't even make sense

  4. This blog was really interesting, I think it's really weird that some people see different colors than other people.
